Meet Jane

When I was 5 years old, I fell sick and went into hospital. I had really bad neck and back pain, and kept sleeping all the time. When I got better I couldn’t walk very well and had to use a stick. I also realized that I could not hear anything. Around the same time, my mother died so I lived with my siblings and my older sister looked after me. I managed to go to a ‘normal’ primary school, which was difficult, but I persevered and learnt to lip read and even speak a little. I passed my education there, however secondary school was not possible. I attended a deaf tailoring course instead.

In 2009, one of my friends told me about Neema and I applied for a job. I worked for three years, however then I fell pregnant and so left my job here. I had two children, however they were taken from me by my husband’s parents, because they did not believe that a deaf person like me could raise a child. This was a very hard and sad time for me.

In 2016, I received a call from Neema Crafts asking me to come back to work. I was so happy to come back, and I have recently had my third child, who attends the nursery here, while I work. I can live independently now and support myself and my daughter. In the future I hope to be able to build my own house and improve my tailoring skills.

Jane makes our baby shoes and weekend bags.


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