Meet James

By 2009 both my parents had died and I was sharing a job with my brother, selling things at the bus station and sleeping there. In the morning he came and relieved me and I went home to rest. Then it was his turn to sell before I came back in the evening to spend the night there. I wasn't scared. People knew I was deaf and looked out for me and woke me up if they needed anything. When we stopped working there, I applied for a job at Neema Crafts, but I had to wait a number of months before I was accepted. I had learnt some tailoring before but the teacher didn’t help me much so I left the course before I had completed it. When I heard back from Neema, I came and was immediately put on a tailoring course, which was brilliant. I could finally do something and felt wanted by people here. At primary school, I had found it hard to learn anything because the teachers had not wanted us to learn any sign language, so instead they taught us to lip-read. I became deaf before I was one year old so I never remember hearing, and communication was always hard. I repeated failed my exams because I did not always understand the teachers and spent twelve years in primary school before finishing.

When I completed the tailoring course at Neema Crafts, I was asked to do a couple of small jobs before they employed me full time. I know I am not a failure here. I was so thankful to God for answering my prayers. Now I am able to help my family and send them money every month. I love working here and in particular making owls for the shop. I pray to God that I will continue working here as I enjoy it so much and it is a place that makes me happy.James makes our animal toys and cushions.


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